Vitamin C is a common nutritional supplement that is taken by many. It is available in pills, effervescent tablets, slow-release tablets, syrups and powders. While it won’t magically erase your cold, it has many benefits which make it needed for you to stay healthy and functioning optimally.
What is Vitamin C Exactly?
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin known under the name Ascorbic acid and Cevitamin Acid. Due to it being a water soluble vitamin, the body is unable to store it. Most animals are able to produce their own vitamin C, but unfortunately humans, guinea pigs and apes need dietary forms of vitamin C to obtain it. The pure form of vitamin c
This vitamin is seen as one of the safest and most effective nutrients currently available. It is also essential for the body as it plays a primary role in the formation of collagen, which we need for repair and growth of tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth. It also helps the body to better absorb iron.
What Can Vitamin C Do For The Body?
Vitamin C helps the body with numerous things. While it is not a cure by any means, Earl
Mindel has attributed the following benefits to vitamin C:
- Heal Wounds, Burns and Bleeding Gums
The Emergency Medicine Journal states that high-dose vitamin C can reduce the amount
of fluids required for resuscitation of patients with severe burns, and can potentially
improve wound healing and reduce ventilation requirements. Other studies have shown
that vitamin C can help speed the healing process of wounds due to it being a powerful
antioxidant that helps to dispel free-radicals. Nutrition Reviews published a study
showing that bleeding gums may also be due to a lack of vitamin C in the body. - Accelerates Healing After Surgery
A study recommended 1000 to 2000 grams daily from wound onset until healing is
complete after a surgery. - Helps To Decrease Blood Cholesterol
The National Library For Medicine published a study showing that supplementation
with at least 500 mg/d of vitamin C, for a minimum of 4 weeks, can result in a significant
decrease in serum LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. - Aids In Preventing Many Viral and Bacterial Infections
The National Library for Medicine found from a large series of animal studies that
vitamin C plays a role in preventing, shortening, and alleviating a numerous amount of
infections. They also concluded that vitamin C has similar effects in humans. - Acts As A Natural Laxative
When Vitamin C is given as a supplement at high doses it has a laxative effect. This is
because the vitamin increases gastric motility, which means that it speeds up the
digestive process. - Lowers The Incidence Of Blood Clots In Veins
While studies have not proven this, it is said that vitamin C may help with blood clots in
veins. - Improve Quality of Life For Cancer Patients
The history of Vitamin C and cancer goes as far back as 1970. While there are conflicting
views on vitamin C for cancer, a growing number of preclinical studies are showing how
high-dose vitamin C might benefit cancer patients. One study shows that vitamin C
breaks down easily, generating hydrogen peroxide, a reactive oxygen molecule that can
damage tissue and DNA. The study also shows that tumor cells are much less capable of
removing the damaging hydrogen peroxide than normal cells. This form of treatment is
currently being tested for lung and pancreatic cancer. According to Dr. Linus Pauling,
taking vitamin C in 1000 to 10 000mg decreases infections by 25 percent and cancers by
75 percent. - Extends Cell Life By Enabling Protein Cells To Hold Together
Research has found that vitamin C neutralizes free radical molecules, which damages
healthy cells. Vitamin C is also involved in sustaining the body’s immune system by
stimulating the activity of white blood cells. This protects cells and the body from
exogenous pathogenic and environmental factors. - Reduce The Effects of Many Allergy-Producing Substances
Vitamin C acts as a natural antihistamine and as a result reduces the amount of
histamine your body produces in response to allergens. It might also help reduce mild
symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and watery eyes caused by allergic
rhinitis. It could also help protect your lung function and reduce the risk of asthma
attacks. - May Reduce The Risk of Strokes
While the research behind this has been conflicting, one study in the American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition found that those with the highest concentrations of vitamin C in
their blood were associated with 42% lower stroke risk than those with the lowest
Who Should Supplement With Vitamin C?
While everyone should have a diet filled with vitamin C, some people are in a greater need of
vitamin C than others.
Smoking increases the amount of free radicals in the body, which can put tissue at the risk of
damage resulting in conditions from heart disease to cancer. Antioxidants such as vitamin C
and vitamin E are part of our body’s defense system, acting to neutralize free radicals before
they can do their harm. As a result, one cigarette can use up to 25 mg of vitamin C. Seeing as
vitamin C is excreted within 2 to 3 hours, it’s worthwhile to introduce vitamin-rich foods into
your diet to help keep your blood levels of vitamin C elevated.
City Dwellers
Vitamin C is destroyed by carbon monoxide, so people who live in urban or polluted areas
should increase vitamin C to help keep their lungs and body healthy and free from free radicals.
People Taking Contraceptive Medications
Since the 70’s the medical field has known that contraceptive medications can cause nutrients
deficiencies. While most people are not aware of this, it is something to keep into consideration.
One of the nutrients that the ‘pill’ decreases is vitamin C. So if you are on the pill, you should be
supplementing with vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin b12, folic acid, vitamin C, and zinc.
Ways To Take Vitamin C
While there are many different brands and forms of vitamin C, it is worth noting that not all
forms of vitamin C are equal. The general recommendation is that everyone should get at least
500 mg of vitamin C. With that in mind, here are a few examples of sources of vitamin C:
Food will always be the best way to get all your vitamins and minerals. Along with vitamin C,
you’ll get numerous different forms of other vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber if you’re
eating fruits, vegetables, or other produce.
While a cup of orange juice or a half-cup of red pepper would be enough to meet your
recommended daily intake of vitamin C. To reach 500 milligrams (mg), you could turn to all of
these foods and beverages:
- Cantaloupe, 1 cup (8 ounces): 59mg
- Orange juice, 1 cup: 97mg
- Broccoli, cooked, 1 cup: 74mg
- Red cabbage, 1/2 cup: 40mg
- Green pepper, 1/2 cup, 60mg
- Red pepper, 1/2 cup, 95mg
- Kiwi, 1 medium: 70mg
- Tomato juice, 1 cup: 45mg.
Tablets, Syrups and Gummies
The type of vitamin C that is referred to as pure vitamin C is derived from corn dextrose. This
form of vitamin C is generally in 500mg or 1000mg doses. While it is easy and convenient, it is
better to buy buffered vitamin C or drink water with the tip of a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda
to help reduce the acidity that the tablets cause.
Rose Hips
During the second World War, the British government would let children leave school for one
day a month to collect rose hips and paid the children per pound collected. The reason for this
was due to them being unable to import fresh fruit and vegetables from other countries during
the war. To prevent the population from getting scurvy, they would make rosehip syrup. The
syrup is rich in complete vitamin c complex bioflavonoids, hesperidin and rutin.
This form of vitamin C is the best form of vitamin C due to it being bioavailable and easy to
make at home. If you have a rose bush, or friends with roses, it is most definitely worth making.
The Bottom Line
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that needs to be taken in everyday due to it being water
soluble. The best forms of vitamin C are from foods and natural sources. For those who struggle
to meet their daily requirements, supplementation is necessary. It is a must for everyone that
wants to live a healthy and well-balanced life.